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Year Title People Involved Publication or Publisher Related Fields
2023 Implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for the governance of biodiversity conservation Aseem Prakash ResearchGate Environmental Politics, Political Psychology
2023 Global governance for pandemic prevention and the wildlife trade Aseem Prakash Science Direct Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Does carbon pricing spur climate innovation? A panel study, 1986–2019 Aseem Prakash ResearchGate Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Pursuing decarbonization along with national security: Assessing public support for the Thacker Pass lithium mine Aseem Prakash PLOS ONE Environmental Politics, Political Psychology
2023 Pope Francis, climate message, and meat tax: evidence from survey experiment in Italy Aseem Prakash NPJ Climate Action Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Varieties of just transition: Public support in South Africa’s Mpumalanga coal community for different policy options Aseem Prakash PLOS CLIMATE Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 German and Russian Public Diplomacy Efforts in Kyrgyzstan: A Comparative Study of Norm Entrepreneurship Taylor & Francis Group Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 What Scholars Know (and Need to Know) about the Politics of Climate Change Aseem Prakash Cambridge University Press Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Comparing public support for nuclear and wind energy in Washington State. Assessing the impact of these energy sources on health, local jobs, landscape disruption, and the stability of the electricity supply Aseem Prakash PLOS ONE Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Does ESG privilege climate action over social and governance issues? A content analysis of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s annual letters Aseem Prakash, Nela Mrchkovska PLOS ONE Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Wind turbines as new smokestacks: Preserving ruralness and restrictive land-use ordinances across U.S. counties Aseem Prakash PLOS ONE Environmental Politics, Political Science
2023 Community resilience and social capital in Kyrgyzstan  Routledge Civic Engagement, Environmental Politics, European Union, Health Policy, Poverty, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Sustainability
2022 Penalties for industrial accidents: The impact of the Deepwater Horizon accident on BP’s reputation and stock market returns Aseem Prakash PLOS ONE Environmental Politics, Political Science
2022 Command and control or market-based instruments? Public support for policies to address vehicular pollution in Beijing and New Delhi Aseem Prakash Taylor & Francis Group Environmental Politics, Political Science
2022 Command and control or market-based instruments? Public support for policies to address vehicular pollution in Beijing and New Delhi Aseem Prakash Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. East Asian, Environmental Politics, Global Studies
2022 Community Resilience in Kyrgyzstan’s Former Uranium Monotowns Civic Engagement, Environmental Politics, European Union, Global Studies, Health Policy, Poverty, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Sustainability
2022 Have Renewable Energy Leaders Announced Aggressive Emission Reduction Goals? Aseem Prakash PLOS Climate Environmental Politics, Global Studies, International Relations, Quantitative Methods
2022 Electoral appeal of climate policies: The Green New Deal and the 2020 U.S. House of Representatives Elections Meagan Carmack, Aseem Prakash PLOS Climate American Politics, Environmental Politics
2022 To Rent or not to Rent? Mechanics, Causes and Consequences of Ricardian and Quasi-rents in the Oil Industry Victor Menaldo Resources Policy Environmental Politics, Political Science, Public Policy
2022 Do Policy Clashes between the Judiciary and the Executive Affect Public Opinion? Insights from New Delhi’s Odd-Even Rule against Air Pollution Aseem Prakash Journal of Public Policy Environmental Politics
2022 Different Approaches to Reducing Aviation Emissions: Reviewing the Structure Agency Debate in Climate Policy Aseem Prakash Climate Action Environmental Politics
2022 Signaling Climate Resilience to Municipal Bond Markets: Does Membership in Adaptation-Focused Voluntary Clubs Affect Bond Rating? Aseem Prakash Climatic Change Environmental Politics, Political Economy
2022 Do Windy Areas have more Wind Turbines: An Empirical Analysis of Wind Installed Capacity in Native Tribal Nations Aseem Prakash PLoS ONE American Indian/Native American, Environmental Politics
2022 Distributional Concerns and Public Opinion: EV Subsidies in the U.S. and Japan Aseem Prakash Energy Policy Environmental Politics, Political Economy
2022 Three Faces of Climate Justice Aseem Prakash Annual Review of Political Science Environmental Politics

