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Year Title People Involved Publication or Publisher Related Fields
2023 Ending Gender-Based Violence in Kyrgyzstan Springer Civic Engagement, European Union, Gender, Human Rights, Law and Society, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Violence and Trauma, Women Studies
2023 Whitman's Undemocratic Vistas Jack Turner III American Political Science Review African American, American Indian/Native American, American Political Development, Civil Rights, Ethics, Justice, Literature, Political Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Violence and Trauma
2022 European Union, civil society and local ownership in Kyrgyzstan Area Studies, Civic Engagement, European Union, International Security, Postcolonial, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Violence and Trauma
2019 Condemning or Condoning the Perpetrators? International Humanitarian Law and Attitudes toward Wartime Violence Geoffrey P.R. Wallace Law & Social Inquiry Human Rights, Law and Society, Political Science, Violence and Trauma
2017 At Issue: Ethnicity, Violence, and the Narrative of Genocide: The Dangers of a Third-Term in Rwanda Ryan Goehrung African Studies Quarterly Africa, Ethics, Human Rights, Minority and Race Politics, Political Science, Race and Ethnicity, Violence and Trauma
2014 Violence and Risk Preference: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan James D. Long American Economic Review Area Studies, Violence and Trauma
2011 The High Price of American Exceptionalism: Comparing Torture by the United States andEurope after 9/11. Jamie Mayerfeld Palgrave/Macmillan American Politics, European Politics, Violence and Trauma
2010 Addressing the Post-Election Violence: Micro-Level Perspectives on Transitional Justice in Kenya James D. Long Oxford University Africa, Area Studies, Violence and Trauma