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James A. Caporaso

Professor Emeritus

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James A. Caporaso (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania) is professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Washington. He is a specialist in international political economy and international relations theory. He is a past president of the International Studies Association (1997-98) and past Chair of the European Union Studies Association (1995-97). In 2003 he received an award for Distinguished International Political Economy Scholar from the International Studies Association. He has published articles in International Studies Quarterly, International Organization, American Political Science Review, Journal of European Public Policy and several other journals. He edited Comparative Political Studies until 2013. He is coauthor with David Levine of Theories of Political Economy. His current research is on political institutions and the financial crisis in comparative perspective. Caporaso enjoys teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in international relations and international political economy and mentoring graduate students.


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