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Year Title People Involved Publication or Publisher Related Fields
2024 U.S. Innovation Inequality and Trumpism: The Political Economy of Technology Deserts in a Knowledge Economy Victor Menaldo, Nicolas Wittstock Cambridge University Press American Politics, International Relations, Political Economy, Public Policy
2022 Have Renewable Energy Leaders Announced Aggressive Emission Reduction Goals? Aseem Prakash PLOS Climate Environmental Politics, Global Studies, International Relations, Quantitative Methods
2021 Audre Lorde's Anti-Imperial Consciousness Jack Turner III Political Theory African American, Caribbean, Civil Rights, Feminism and Feminist Theory, International Relations, Political Theory, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Women of Color
2021 Populist Support, Institutional Trust, and Gender: The Impact of Foreign-Imposed Austerity During the European Debt Crisis Lucas Owen, Nicolas Wittstock, Beatrice Magistro Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy Comparative Politics, European Politics, European Union, Gender, International Relations, Political Economy, Political Science, Public Policy, Quantitative Methods, Social Movements
2020 Battling the Past: Intersectional Challenges to Indigenous Tourism Employment in the Nordic States. Ellen Ahlness International Relations, Political Science
2019 Violence, Non-violence, and the Effects of International Human Rights Law Geoffrey P.R. Wallace American Journal of Political Science Human Rights, International Relations
2019 From the Second World to Global South? Narratives of Tajikistan in Western Media. Ellen Ahlness International Relations, Media Studies, Political Science, West European
2018 Inter‐Governmental Regimes and Recruitment to Private Regimes: GATT/WTO and the ISO, 1951–2005 Aseem Prakash Wiley Online Library International Relations, Political Economy, Public Policy
2017 Do Donors Reduce Bilateral Aid to Countries With Restrictive NGO Laws? A Panel Study, 1993-2012  Aseem Prakash Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly International Relations, Public Policy
2017 Will You Trust Me?: How Individual American Donors Respond to Informational Signals Regarding Local and Global Humanitarian Charities Aseem Prakash Voluntas International Relations, Political Communication
2016 International Law, Military Effectiveness, and Public Support for Drone Strikes. Geoffrey P.R. Wallace Journal of Peace Research International Relations, International Security, Political Science
2016 Hands Off My Regime! Governments’ Restrictions on Foreign Aid to Non-Governmental Organizations in Poor and Middle-Income Countries Aseem Prakash World Development International Relations, Political Economy
2016 The Promise of Human Rights: Constitutional Government, Democratic Legitimacy, and International Law  Jamie Mayerfeld University of Pennsylvania Press Constitutional Law, Human Rights, International Relations
2015 Commitment and Consistency in Audience Costs Theory Geoffrey P.R. Wallace American Journal of Political Science International Relations, International Security
2015 Life and Death in Captivity Geoffrey P.R. Wallace Cornell University Press International Relations, International Security
2015 Norms, Perverse Effects, and Torture International Theory Human Rights, International Relations, International Security
2015 Foreign aid, economic globalization, and pollution Victor Menaldo, Aseem Prakash Policy Sciences Environmental Politics, International Relations
2015 Revenue Substitution? How Foreign Aid Inflows Moderate the Effect of Bilateral Trade Pressures on Labor Rights Aseem Prakash World Development International Relations, Labor
2015 Knowledge Without Power: International Relations Scholars, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the Iraq War James D. Long International Politics International Relations
2014 “Bluewashing" the Firm?: Voluntary Regulations, Program Design and Member Compliance with the United Nations Global Compact Aseem Prakash Policy Studies Journal Environmental Politics, Human Rights, International Relations, Public Policy
2014 Empirical Strategies in International Development Research Victor Menaldo, Aseem Prakash Journal of Policy Analysis and Management International Relations
2014 Join the ISO 14001 Club! Aseem Prakash ISO Focus Environmental Politics, International Relations
2014 Public Authority and Private Rules: How Domestic Regulatory Institutions Shape the Adoption of Global Private Regimes Aseem Prakash Oxford Academic International Relations, Labor
2014 National Styles of NGO Regulation Aseem Prakash Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Comparative Politics, Global Studies, International Relations
2014 The United Nations Global Compact: An Institutionalist Perspective Aseem Prakash Journal of Business Ethics Comparative Politics, Global Studies, International Relations

