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Teaching Assistant Application Information

2024-25 Political Science TA Application 

The 2024-25 POLITICAL SCIENCE TA APPLICATION is closed. The 2025-26 application will open by early July.

The Political Science Department accepts applications from graduate students in other University of Washington graduate programs to work as TAs provided they have a substantial background in political science. We teach classes in political theory, American politics, international relations and comparative politics and in subfields such as race and minority politics, political economy, and environmental politics.

TAs hold 50% ASE positions that include a stipend paid according to the university's pay scale, a tuition waiver and medical benefits (ASEs are responsible for student fees). Specific duties may vary by class and when UW courses are taught remotely, but typical duties include attending lecture, teaching two quiz sections, grading exams and papers, and holding office hours for two hours per week. 

For additional information, please see:
  * Sample Political Science TA Job Descriptions
  * UAW Academic Student Employees Contract  

 These are the materials to prepare for your application:

1) Cover letter, including:
  * Your name
  * Why you want to TA for Political Science
  * Your background in political science (graduate work or undergraduate major preferred, minor okay). What prior coursework have you completed, and which subfields within political science are most familiar to you? See for subfield descriptions.
  * Prior training and experience as a teaching assistant (prior experience is not required to apply) or other teaching experience. Have you registered for the Center for Teaching and Learning's (CTL) online Teaching@UW: Strategies for TAs program in September?
  * Prior experience working with students in other capacities, especially undergraduates.
  * International applicants who are not native speakers of English must confirm that they meet or will meet Graduate School eligibility requirements as detailed in  Graduate School Policy 5.2: Conditions of Appointment for TAs who are not Native Speakers of English

2) Resume/CV. Include contact information for at least 3 references (do not submit reference letters)

3) Unofficial non-UW undergraduate and graduate transcripts, scans or pdf's.

4) Teaching evaluations, if you have any, scans or pdf's.

The department contacts applicants only if a position is available and only if they are a suitable candidate for the open position. Interviews are usually scheduled within three weeks of the start of the upcoming quarter. Apply by mid-August for autumn quarter consideration.

Graduate students who are hired and who do not have prior TA experience at UW are required to participate in new TA training.

In autumn new TAs attend:

  1. Center for Teaching and Learning's (CTL) online Teaching@UW: Strategies for TAs program, both their life learning session on Zoom in September and modules on Canvas. International TAs for whom English is an additional language can fulfill the Graduate School's policy 5.2.1 Requirements, section #3, by completing CTL's “Resources for international TAs” Canvas module.
  2. Political Science Department's New TA Orientation: September 23 and/or 24. Time TBA.
  3. Pol S 595, College Teaching of Political Science, 1 cr. Go to the Autumn 2024 Political Science Time Schedule for course information. Enrollment is by department permission.

Orientations and training for TAs hired beginning in winter and spring quarters are by arrangement.

Questions: Contact Meera Roy, the Political Science Department's Director of Academic Services, at
