With this newsletter, we reach out to our extensive alumni network and our many friends to tell just a part of the story about what makes our department exceptional. The vitality of what we do shines through each and every item that follows. This newsletter includes a cogent analysis of national politics, examples of our innovations in teaching, a retrospective about our State Legislative Intern Program, a description of a student research project, a tribute to some of our highly distinguished... Read more
Since 1955, UW undergraduates have learned about lawmaking by devoting winter quarter to working full time in Olympia for members of the Washington State House of Representatives or Senate. As part of this enriching experience, interns also meet with state officials, participate in academic seminars, and engage in mock floor debates on current issues. For more than 50 years the Washington State Legislative Internship program has been an important catalyst for careers in politics and public... Read more
Political Science students and faculty have teamed up to document the role of universities in securing labor rights for apparel workers. The Brand Responsibility Project addresses the relationship between multinational corporations—including Nike Inc. and Russell Athletics—and workers in Central America, looking at cases in which subcontractors have violated the labor rights of their employees. In each case, workers, activists, and consumers succeeded in pressuring global brands to take... Read more
Architect of the Capitol
Professors Mark A. Smith and Rebecca Thorpe
The budget deficit is once again a prominent item on the political agenda. The fiscal cliff deal signed on January 2 included tax increases for the highest earners. The “sequestration” process, which began on March 1, implemented cuts in discretionary spending that Congress and the President initially agreed to in 2011. For now, at least, the sequestration is taking effect. What is the likelihood of a... Read more
It's 9:30 am. A student shifts her books aside, flips open her laptop, and gets ready for another stimulating lecture on political economy. As the professor winds through the topic of rent-seeking, the student finds herself a bit confused. No problem. She simply hits the pause key and rewinds to listen for a second time. As you might guess, this is not the traditional classroom. Welcome, instead, to the world of online learning at the University of Washington.
A college education has... Read more