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Liam F. Beiser-McGrath, Thomas Bernauer & Aseem Prakash (2023) Command and control or market-based instruments? Public support for policies to address vehicular pollution in Beijing and New Delhi, Environmental Politics, 32:4, 586-618, DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2022.2113608 Publications, Articles Environmental Politics, Political Science
Whiting, S.H. Land Rights, Industrialization, and Urbanization: China in Comparative Context. J OF CHIN POLIT SCI 27, 399–414 (2022). Publications, Articles East Asian, Political Science
Ping Qin, Yifei Quan, Antung A. Liu, Joshua Linn & Jun Yang. (2023) The Welfare Cost of Beijing’s Lottery Policy: Evidence from a Contingent Valuation Survey. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, pages 1-24.Crossref Publications, Articles East Asian, Environmental Politics, Global Studies
Pierobon, Chiara. “European Union, civil society and local ownership in Kyrgyzstan: analysing patterns of adaptation, reinterpretation and contestation in the prevention of violent extremism (PVE)”, Central Asian Survey 41:4, 2022, pp. 752-769 (DOI:10.1080/02634937.2021.1905608) Publications, Articles Area Studies, Civic Engagement, European Union, International Security, Postcolonial, Socialism and Post-Socialism, Violence and Trauma
Prakash, Aseem and Nives Dolsak. "Three Faces of Climate Justice."  Annual Review of Political Science, 2022, 25: 283–301 Publications, Articles Crime and Criminality, Political Science
Global Burden of Disease Long COVID Collaborators [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman,Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2022. "Estimated Global Proportions of Individuals With Persistent Fatigue, Cognitive, and Respiratory Symptom Clusters Following Symptomatic COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021." JAMA Publications, Articles Health Policy, Statistics
Yoshito Kawakatsu, Christopher Adolph, Jonathan Mosser, Peter Baffoe, Fatima Cheshi, Hirotsugu Aiga, David Watkins, and Kenneth Sherr. 2022. "Factors Consistently Associated with Utilization of Essential Maternal and Child Health Services in Nigeria: Analysis of Five Nigerian National Household Surveys (2003 to 2018)." BMJ Open. 12: e061747. Publications, Articles Africa, Health Policy, Statistics
Pierobon, Chiara, Mihr, A., Sorbello, P., and Weiffen, B. “Ending Gender-Based Violence in Kyrgyzstan: Reflections on the Spotlight Initiative” [with Aliia Maralbaeva], Securitization and Democracy in Eurasia. Transformation and Development in the OSCE Region, Springer Nature Open Access, 2022 [forthcoming] Publications, Articles Political Science
Ko, Inhwan, Nives Dolsak and Aseem Prakash. Forthcoming. Have Renewable Energy Leaders Announced Aggressive Emission Reduction Goals? Examining Variations in the Stringency of Country-Level Net-Zero Emission Pledges. PLOS Climate. 2022. Publications, Articles Environmental Politics, Global Studies, International Relations, Quantitative Methods
Himansuh, Zade, Wack, Morgan, Zhang, Yuanrui, Starbird, Kate, Calo, Ryan and Jevin West. “Auditing Google’s Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 U.S. Election.” Journal of Online Trust and Safety, 1, 4, 2022. Publications, Articles American Politics, Political Communication
Kennedy, Ian, Wack, Morgan, Schafer, Joey, Beers, Andrew, Spiro, Emma and Kate Starbird. “Repeat Spreaders and Election Delegitimization: A Comprehensive Dataset of Misinformation Tweets from the 2020 U.S. Election.” Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, Vol. 2, 2022.  Publications, Articles American Politics, Computational Methods
Bak-Coleman, Joe, Kennedy, Ian, Wack, Morgan, Beers, Andrew, Schafer, Joe, Spiro, Emma, Starbird, Kate and Jevin West. “Combining interventions to reduce the spread of viral misinformation.” Nature Human Behavior, 2022, 1-9. Publications, Articles Computational Methods, Political Communication
Carmack M, Dolšak N, Prakash A (2022) Electoral appeal of climate policies: The Green New Deal and the 2020 U.S. House of Representatives elections. PLOS Clim 1(6): e0000043. Publications, Articles American Politics, Environmental Politics
Menaldo, Victor and William Gochberg. “To Rent or not to Rent? Mechanics, Causes and Consequences of Ricardian and Quasi-rents in the Oil Industry” (with Will Gochberg). Resources Policy 78, 3 (2022): 102826. DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3758351 Publications, Articles Environmental Politics, Political Science, Public Policy
Cansunar, Asli. "Distributional Consequences of Voluntary Provision of Public Goods: Self- Serving Philanthropy in Ottoman Istanbul", Journal of Politics, Vol. 84:2, 2022, pp. 889–907. Publications, Articles Political Economy, Political Psychology
Grumbach, Jacob M. and Charlotte Hill. "Rock the Registration: Same Day Registration Increases Turnout of Young Voters." 2022. Forthcoming at Journal of Politics. Publications, Articles Political Science
Grumbach, Jacob M., Alexander Sahn, and Sarah Staszak. "Race, Gender, and Intersectionality in Campaign Finance." Political Behavior, 44: 2022, 319-340. Winner of the 2019 APSA Award for Best Paper in Race and Ethnic Politics. Publications, Articles Political Science, Race and Ethnicity
Grumbach, Jacob M. and Jamila Michener. "American Federalism, Political Inequality, and Democratic Erosion." ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.  699(1): 143155. 2022.  Publications, Articles Civic Engagement, Political Science
Collier, Ruth Berins, and Jacob M. Grumbach. "The Deep Structure of Democratic Crisis." Boston Review, January 6, 2022. Publications, Articles Political Science
Simien, Evelyn M. and Sophia Jordán Wallace. 2022. “Disproportionate Service: Considering the Impacts of George Floyd’s Death and the Coronavirus Pandemic for Women Academics and Faculty of Color”. PS: Political Science & Politics, 55(4):799-803. Publications, Articles Political Science, Race and Ethnicity
Prakash, Aseem and Kendra Dupuy. "Why Restrictive NGO Foreign Funding Laws Reduce Voter Turnout in Africa’s National Elections." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2022, 51(1): 170-189. Publications, Articles Africa, Political Science
Prakash, Aseem, Liam F. Beiser-McGrath and Thomas Bernauer. "Do Policy Clashes between the Judiciary and the Executive Affect Public Opinion? Insights from New Delhi’s Odd-Even Rule against Air Pollution." Journal of Public Policy, 2022, 42: 185–200. Publications, Articles Environmental Politics
Prakash, Aseem and Nives Dolsak. "Different Approaches to Reducing Aviation Emissions: Reviewing the Structure Agency Debate in Climate Policy." Climate Action, 2022, 1(2). Publications, Articles Environmental Politics
Prakash, Aseem and Inhwan Ko. "Signaling Climate Resilience to Municipal Bond Markets: Does Membership in Adaptation-Focused Voluntary Clubs Affect Bond Rating?" Climatic Change, 2022, 171(9). Publications, Articles Environmental Politics, Political Economy
Prakash, Aseem, Laura Evans and Nives Dolsak. "Do Windy Areas have more Wind Turbines: An Empirical Analysis of Wind Installed Capacity in Native Tribal Nations." 2022. PLoS ONE, 17(2): e0261752. Publications, Articles American Indian/Native American, Environmental Politics

