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POL S 285 A: Political Science as a Social Science

Meeting Time: 
MW 3:30pm - 4:50pm
GWN 201
Mark Alan Smith
Mark Alan Smith

Syllabus Description:

The cars and politics data can be accessed here

You can find here the article you'll be reviewing for the paper assignment due on June 3

You can find the full syllabus here

April 1  Introduction (slides) (recording)

April 3 How can we study politics scientifically? (slides) (recording)

Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 1

April 8  Theories, hypotheses, and causation.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 2 (slides) (recording)

April 10 Introduction to research design (slides) (recording)

April 15  Conceptualization and measurement, part 1.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 5 (slides) (recording)

April 17 Conceptualization and measurement, part 2  (slides) (recording)

April 22  Sampling.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 6 (slides) (recording)

April 24  Surveys and survey research.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 8 (slides) (recording)

April 29  Field research and in-depth interviews.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 9 (slides) (recording)

May 1  First exam

May 6  Experiments, part 1.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 7 (slides) (recording)

May 8 Experiments, part 2 (slides) (recording)

May 13  Case studies and the comparative method.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 13 (slides part 1) (slides part 2) (recording part 1) (recording part 2)

May 15  Statistical analysis of observational data, part 1.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 12 (slides part 1) (slides part 2) (slides part 3) (recording)

May 20 Statistical analysis of observational data, part 2 (slides part 1) (slides part 2) (slides part 3) (recording)

May 22 Statistical analysis of observational data, part 3 (slides part 1) (slides part 2) Note:  unfortunately, there is no recording for today

May 27  no class (Memorial Day)

May 29 Statistical analysis of observational data, part 4 (slides) (recording)

June 3 Statistical analysis of observational data, part 5 (slides) (recording)

June 5  What can go wrong in published research.  Read:  The Process of Social Research, chapter 3 (slides) (recording)

June 13  Final exam, 2:30-4:20

GE Requirements: 
Social Sciences (SSc)
Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR)
Last updated: 
March 26, 2023 - 9:31pm