- Winter 2022
Syllabus Description:
Zoom link to lectures, Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:00-2:20, https://washington.zoom.us/j/99672481674
Zoom link to section AA, Fridays 12:30-1:20,
Zoom link to section AB, Fridays 1:30-2:20,
Zoom link to Professor Smith's office hours, Mondays/Wednesdays 5-6pm, https://washington.zoom.us/j/5054996338
Zoom link to Nela's office hours and sign-up sheet, Tuesdays 3-5pm, https://washington.zoom.us/j/97610392942
The full syllabus here
Smith's grading scale here
Schedule of Topics and Assignments (Readings will be posted and linked on Canvas):
Tuesday, January 4 Introduction to the course (recording) (slides)
Thursday, January 6 The science in political science (recording) (slides)
Molly Ott, Introduction to Scientific Inquiry & Social Science Research
Kelsey Piper, How Bad Research Clouded Our Understanding of Covid-19
Friday, January 7 An introduction to R (recording) (material)
Tuesday, January 11 Theories, models, and causation (recording part 1) (recording part 2) (slides)
Stefan Götze, A Brief Guide for Developing a Research Question
Armin Trost, Research Question & Hypothesis
Thursday, January 13 The challenges of demonstrating causation (recording part 1) (recording part 2) (slides)
Tulia Falleti and Julia Lynch, Context and Causal Mechanisms in Political Analysis
Friday, January 14 Importing and cleaning datasets in R (recording AA) (recording AB) (material)
Tuesday, January 18 Conceptualization and measurement, part 1 (recording part 1) (recording part 2) (slides)
none for today (section assignment due at 8:00 PM)
Tuesday, January 18 Section assignment #1, due at 8:00 PM
Thursday, January 20 Conceptualization and measurement, part 2 (recording part 1) (recording part 2) (slides)
Measuring Attitudes Likert Scales
Friday, January 21 Merging datasets, creating variables in R (material) (Section AA recording) (Section AB recording)
Tuesday, January 25 Open-book, take-home midterm exam due at 8:00 PM
(note: the exam replaces our regular class session)
Thursday, January 27 Sampling (recording part 1) (recording part 2) (slides)
Molly Ott, Quantitative Sampling (Links to an external site.)
James Clear, Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Friday, January 28 Graphing in R (material) (recording AA) (recording AB)
Tuesday, February 1 Sampling; surveys and survey research (see Pantopo Recordings on the left for the recording) (slides)
Armin Trost, Survey Design part 1
Armin Trost, Survey Design part 2
Thursday, February 3 Surveys and survey research (see Pantopo Recordings on the left for the recording) (slides)
Pew Research Center, Questionnaire Design
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, The Secrets in Our Google Searches
Friday, February 4 Graphing in R (material) (recording AA & AB)
Tuesday, February 8 Surveys and survey research; descriptive and inferential statistics (see Pantopo Recordings on the left for the recording) (slides part 1) (slides part 2)
none for today (section assignment due at 8:00 PM)
Tuesday, February 8 Section assignment #2, due at 8:00 PM
Thursday, February 10 Descriptive and inferential statistics (see Pantopo Recordings on the left for the recording) (slides)
Molly Ott, Inferential Statistics (Links to an external site.)
Friday, February 11 Developing skills in R (material)(recording AA)(recording AB)
Tuesday, February 15 Hypothesis testing and inferential statistics (see Pantopo Recordings on the left for the recording) (slides)
Scott Alexander, The Phrase "No Evidence" Is a Red Flag for Bad Science Communication
Thursday, February 17 Correlation and bivariate regression (see Pantopo Recordings on the left for the recording) (slides)
Brandon Foltz, Linear Regression: The Very Basics (Links to an external site.)
Brandon Foltz, Linear Regression, Algebra, Equations, and Patterns
Friday, February 18 Descriptive statistics and difference of means tests in R (material)(recording AA)(recording AB)
Tuesday, February 22 Bivariate regression and multiple regression (See Panopto recording on the left for the recording) (slides)
Brandon Fultz, Multiple Linear Regression: The Very Basics
Brandon Fultz, Multiple Linear Regression: Data Preparation
Thursday, February 24 Multiple regression (See Panopto recording on the left for the recording) (slides)
none for today
Friday, February 25 Correlation, bivariate regression, and multiple regression in R (material)(recording AA)(recording AB)
Tuesday, March 1 Experiments, part 1 (See Panopto recording on the left for the recording) (slides)
none for today (section assignment due)
Tuesday, March 1 Section assignment #3, due at 8:00 PM
Thursday, March 3 Experiments, part 2 (See Panopto recording on the left for the recording) (slides)
Saloni Dattani, Why Randomized Controlled Trials Matter and the Procedures that Strengthen Them
Brandon Fultz, ANOVA, A Visual Introduction
Friday, March 4 Linear regression with interaction term in R (material)(recording)
Tuesday, March 8 Natural experiments, the comparative method, and case studies (See Panopto recording on the left for the recording) (slides)
none for today (article review assignment due)
Tuesday, March 8 Article review assignment, due at 8:00 PM
Thursday, March 10 What can go wrong in published research (See Panopto recording on the left for the recording) (slides)
Andrew Gelman and Eric Loken, The Garden of Forking Paths: Why Multiple Comparisons Can be a Problem, Even When There is no “Fishing Expedition” or “p-hacking” and the Research Hypothesis Was Posited Ahead of Time
Friday, March 11 Data visualization graphs; survey experiment example; review (material)(recording)
Wednesday, March 16 Open-book, take-home final exam due at 8:00 PM