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POL S 202 A: Introduction to American Politics

Meeting Time: 
TTh 11:30am - 12:50pm
SAV 260
Prof. Megan Francis
Megan Ming Francis

Syllabus Description:

This course provides an introduction to the exciting topic of United States politics.  The course topics include an introduction to America’s constitutional foundations, elements of mass public politics (public opinion and participation), the role of intermediary organizations (interest groups, media, parties), and the function of institutions (Congress, Presidency, Courts). The course will also cover the development of civil liberties and civil rights.  In addition to mastering the fundamental organization of the national government, students will learn theories addressing “big questions” in American politics, and will discuss different arguments based on the evidence brought to bear on these questions. 


Course Structure: The course lectures and quiz sections will be entirely in person and no lectures will be posted on Canvas.  It will be necessary to attend in person to do well in the course. 
Catalog Description: 
Institutions and politics in the American political system. Ways of thinking about how significant problems, crises, and conflicts of American society are resolved politically. Offered: AWSpS.
Department Requirements: 
Introductory Courses
GE Requirements: 
Social Sciences (SSc)
Last updated: 
December 8, 2022 - 9:02pm