- Spring 2024
Syllabus Description:
This class investigates the interconnection of sports and politics, broadly construed. The course will largely focus on this dynamic in the United States, exploring the long, historic intersections between sports and politics from the founding of the nation until today. Moreover, the class covers contemporary issues in which athletes are involved, such as activism around racial justice and gender equality, discuss reasons why athletes might or might not get involved in politics, why politicians seek out athletes and sports for support, how athletes can influence politics, and how athletes-turned-political candidates fare in the political arena. In doing so, the class will put a special emphasis on the role that race has played in this dynamic over the course of U.S. history. While mostly focusing on the United States, the course will also look at sports and politics on the international stage, such as through the Olympic Games or the use of sporting events to promote a country’s image. In addition, the class will also look at the politics around college athletics, particularly as regards recent developments around NIL and the NCAA. Overall, this course will survey a variety of sports, athletes, and political locales & issue areas that all help us explore the ways in which sports and politics intersect. In this class, students will gain a better understanding of the ways in which sports and politics intersect historically and contemporarily, analyze why both sides tend to be interested in this dynamic, hone their critical thinking skills, and develop their writing skills to present arguments in a clear and concise manner.
The full syllabus can be accessed here.