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POL S 321 A: American Foreign Policy

Summer Term: 
Meeting Time: 
to be arranged
* *

Syllabus Description:

About POL S 321: American Foreign Policy

Is the Pax Americana over? 

Over the past twenty years, many changes have challenged US international primacy and raised questions about the nature and use of American power and continued global leadership in the Twenty-first Century.

The question of decline arises periodically and has become especially relevant in the face of the retrenchment towards a more isolationist stance in response to the 9/11-era wars and the rise of increasingly assertive economic and strategic competitors, non-state actors, and global health matters. 

This quarter, we will critically analyze the historical development of U.S. foreign policy. Proceeding chronologically, we will trace American foreign policy's enduring values, interests, institutions, and processes to throw into relief modern elements of continuity, change, and chronic contradiction. We will end by considering contemporary challenges to American Hard and Soft Power as they shape the twenty-first-century international environment and bear on the question of decline. 

Instruction won't start until Monday, 6/17/24, but if you are getting started early, go through these modules:

Special notes

Asynchronous Online Learning: This is an asynchronous online course with pre-recorded lecture materials and deadlines for papers and discussions. This approach emphasizes flexibility and self-pacing within established deadlines. It works best for students needing to accommodate family, work, and other academic demands and those taking courses from different time zones. The instructional team is available for one-on-one meetings and established office hours. 

Optional "W" CreditThis course may satisfy the University Writing Credit requirement; see the syllabus for details on the "W" credit option. 

For POLS Majors: This class counts for Field C or D requirements and is a required course for the Security Option in the major; see the Political Science Major Information page for details. 

General Method of Instruction + Assessment

Course Materials: Recorded lectures, documentaries, podcasts, textbooks, and readings drawn from foreign policy literature and popular press. 

Assessments: Students in this class will write two critical response papers and participate in weekly group discussions (graded). A writing Credit Option is available.

Instructional Team

Instructor -  Robin Datta
Best Contact - 
Office Hours - M 9:00 to 11:00 and by appointment
Location - Online (Zoom

TA/Grader - TBD
Best Contact -  TBD

Texts and Materials

Kaufman, Joyce P.A Concise History of U.S. Foreign Policy, 5th Edition. Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. Print. ISBN: 978-1-5381-5136-5 (paper) / 978-1-5381-5137-2 (ebook)The fifth edition of Kaufman is also available for free online reading via the UW Library (please read the book online or download the chapters you need instead of checking it out).

Additional readings are listed in the overview for each week. These readings may require off-campus authentication with your UW NetID.

Recommended Preparation and Learning Goals

Students should have a general awareness of the historical development of the International System and the core International Relations Theory (Idealism/Constructivism, Realism, and Liberalism). 

Regular reading of foreign policy news and opinion is encouraged - Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy, two foreign policy journals, are highly recommended.

When you have finished this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of US Foreign Policy.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of culture and ideology's role in the conceptualization and conduct of US Foreign Policy.
  • Demonstrate a better understanding of the impact of political pluralism and stakeholder politics on the development and the conduct of US Foreign Policy.
  • Use the lessons of history to consider contemporary challenges in foreign policy.

Official Course Syllabus

Here is a link to the syllabus; a PDF download will be available by June 17, 2024.

Catalog Description: 
Constitutional framework; major factors in formulation and execution of policy; policies as modified by recent developments; the principal policymakers - president, Congress, political parties, pressure groups, and public opinion. Course equivalent to: TPOL S 321.
Department Requirements: 
International Relations Field
GE Requirements: 
Social Sciences (SSc)
Last updated: 
October 2, 2024 - 9:27pm