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State Resurgence: End of Reform?

Dr. Nicholas R. Lardy, Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow of Peterson Institute for International Economics
Thursday, January 24, 2019 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
William H. Gates Hall, room 138
State Resurgence: End of Reform?The UW Committee on China-U.S. Dialogues is honored to welcome Dr. Nicholas R. Lardy, Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow of Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), to give a lecture on Chinese economic reform and the role of state in recent years, by the title of "State Resurgence: End of Reform?"
China's extraordinarily rapid economic growth since 1978, driven by market-oriented reforms, has set world records and continued unabated, despite predictions of an inevitable slowdown. With the resurgence of state in Chinese economy, are we expecting the end of economic reform? How will China's economic policy proceed under the current U.S.-China trade dispute? 
Professor Susan Whiting from Department of Political Science, Professor Dongsheng Zang from School of Law, and Professor David Bachman from Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies will serve as discussants.
The lecture will be held on Thursday, January 24th at William H. Gates Hall, room 138. A ticket is required for this event, please see the poster below for more information and click here for reservation on Eventbrite. You can also get updated information from our Facebook page.  