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Deadline to submit Convocation Student Speech: Monday, May 6th, 2019.

Monday, May 6, 2019 - 11:55pm

Speeches are to be no more than 500 words (about 5 minutes to deliver) and must appeal to a diverse audience of fellow students, family, and friends. Please email your speech to

While there is no set theme, the best speeches convey your experiences and insights; the worst speeches string together cliches about graduation. Below is a list of topics that formed the central focus of past selected speeches. Use this list as possibilities for how to structure your speech--they are not required components, so don't incorporate all of them.
 * What you want your family and friends to understand about why you chose to study political science
 * How studying the discipline has shaped your education at UW and life outside the university
 * What/who has been an inspiration or challenge
 * Moments and experiences in the major and at UW that, looking back, have had a profound influence
 * Values learned or practiced while at UW that will continue to be a guide into the future

The Political Science Department will choose the speaker and then will work with them to polish their speech and practice delivering it.  The Convocation is on Thursday, June 13th, from 10:00 to 11:30am in the HUB Ballroom at:

Event Type: 