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Center for Environmental Politics: A Conversation With Hilary Franz

Hilary Franz, Washington Commissioner of Public Lands
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
via Zoom (RSVP link below)
The Center of Environmental Politics in collaboration with the EarthLab will be hosting the second Maggie and Doug Walker Conversation of this academic year on Wednesday, January 19, 5:30 pm. This is online event will feature a conversation with Hilary Franz, Washington Commissioner of Public Lands.
Commissioner Hilary Franz leads Washington state’s wildfire fighting force and manages nearly 6 million acres of public lands – from coastal waters and aquatic reserves, to working forests and farms, commercial developments and unparalleled recreation areas. Join the Center for Environmental Politics and EarthLab for a conversation and a moderated audience Q&A with Commissioner Franz about wildfire management and climate adaptation policy in Washington state.
Ben Packard (EarthLab Executive Director) and I will be co-hosting this debate. After a brief presentation by Commissioner Fransz, we will ask a series of questions and invite her to respond. Please email us the questions you want us to ask. We will try our best to reflect your concerns in this conversation.

Please register for this event here:
