AIS 170: American Indian Art and Aesthetics
5 cr. VLPA
Instructor: Dian Million
MW 11:30-1:20
**This class fulfills 5 credits of introductory AIS coursework for the major/minor.**
The mind is called ʻmom tune ay chi kunʼ. ʻMom tune ay chi kunʼ is the sacred place inside each one of us where no one else can go. It is in this place that each one of us can dream, fantasize, create and, yes, even talk to the grandfathers and grandmothers. The thoughts and images that come from this place are called ʻmom tune ay chi kunaʼ, which means wisdoms, and they can be given to others in stories, songs, dances and art. Stories are called ʻachimoonaʼ, songs are ʻnugamoonaʼ, dances are ʻneemeetoonaʼ and art is ʻtatsinaikewinʼ. They sound almost the same, donʼt they? That is because all these words, describe gifts that come from the sacred place inside (Maria Campbell, 1985).
Art and aesthetic is the creative force of people and their worldviews. “Indian” art and aesthetic is an interpretation and expression of life by the Indigenous peoples of North America. While numerous Indigenous peoples reside in the western hemisphere, this class introduces you to the aesthetic universe of peoples who are currently known as American Indian, Alaskan Native and some Canadian First Nations. This class will provide you an abundance of thought, expression, stories, dance, art and art objects, film, and music to consider. The intent is to invite you into the sounds, motions, objects, spirit and colors that are the aesthetic universe of Native North America.
AIS 275 A: Urban Native Experience
5 cr. I&S
Instructor: Scott Pinkham
TuTh 11:30-1:20
This course will cover issues of concern to today’s urban American Indian/Alaska Natives. Topics will include the reasons Natives relocated to the cities and examine the cultural, social, economic and political outcomes of such a migration. Students will take an in-depth look into the traditional and contemporary Indian identity, issues encountered by Indians in the urban setting and the resulting outcomes in major metropolitan cities: Indian organizations; federal programs; pan-Indian identities; healthcare; social and Indian child welfare, urbanization of traditional homelands, and cultural survival/resilience.
AIS 275 B: Pacific Northwest Tribes and the Environment
Instructor: Michael Tulee
This course examines what roles tribes are taking in responding to ongoing environmental issues. We will explore Northwest tribes’ relationships with their physical environment in multiple domains. We will analyze human induced impacts on salmon, water, and forests, all of which are vital to tribes. Social approaches to resolving environmental problems on tribal lands through sustainability measures, policies, conservation, social movements, and environmental justice will be discussed. We will focus on issues that include global warming, consumerism, biodiversity, conservation and energy reform. Finally, we will ask ourselves “Why does this matter and what role can I play?”
AIS 350: Two-Dimensional Art of the NW Coast Indians
5 cr. VLPA
Instructor: Marvin Oliver
WF 1:30-3:20
Studio course emphasizes principles of structure and style of two-dimensional art which can be found on many old, traditional Northwest Coast pieces, such as painted storage boxes and chests, house panels, and ceremonial screens. Students apply these principles in creating a variety of graphic projects.
AIS 461: First Nations Government and Politics in Canada
5 cr. DIV, I&S
Instructor: Charlotte Coté
MW 1:30 - 3:20
Focuses on First Nations government and politics in Canada. Examines development of First Nations political governing structures with an introduction to the values, perspectives, concepts, and principles in Native political cultures. Explores federal Indian policy in context of First Nations strategies to become self-governing. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 426.
AIS 475: The Ongoing Psychological Colonization of Indigenous peoples
5 cr. I&S
Instructor: Stephanie Fryberg
MW 11:30 - 1:20
Historical practices mandated the cultural assimilation and colonization of North American Indigenous peoples, but according to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, the inevitable legacy of colonialism is likely to influence every aspect of the lives of the subjugated persons for eternity. This course will examine 1) the foundations of psychological colonization and 2) how understanding these foundations can provide a roadmap for ameliorating the ongoing disruptions to self and identity development, families, education, and the future development of tribal communities. Theoretical and empirical evidence will be drawn from the experiences of indigenous communities in the U.S. and Canada, and at times from other colonized groups from around the world. A central issues throughout the course is whether and how the techniques and technologies of contemporary psychology should be appropriately adapted and/or adopted for use in Indigenous cultural communities. This course is designed for upper-level students who have had at least one course in American Indian Studies.