UW Political Science PhD candidate Emily Kalah Gade authored an article about the International Women’s Day strike that the Women’s March organizers have called for. Gade discusses whether or not the strike will be a success and how it affects the broader goals of the Women’s March movement. She notes:
“The strike promises [to be] the first large-scale, public signal of whether the movement has been successful in countering early critiques that it was a one-hit wonder without staying power.”
Its success “depends on how we define its goals.” “The Women’s March movement’s goal is radical inclusivity,” which contrasts with “the more exclusive vision of ‘American’ promoted by the Trump campaign and administration.” In light of this goal, Gade argues, that the strike “has brought renewed attention to and debate around feminism, what women’s work means in our society, and what an intersectionally aware world might look like.”
The article titled “The Women’s March organizers have called for a big strike today. Will it work?” appeared on The Washington Post website on March 8, 2017.The Monkey Cage is a blog that relies upon political science research “to make sense of the circus that is politics.” It was named 2010 Blog of the Year by The Week and a 2012 Best Blog by Time.